zondag 6 juni 2010

de gazet

joepie, er werd over mij geschreven!
weliswaar niet in de gazet, maar in "Slate", en ik ken dat eigenlijk zelf niet.

Het artikel is geschreven door een dame die in november deelnam aan Art Breaks in Muddum (daarover schreef ik al in november eens iets). Zij heeft haar ervaring van de hele week in een maar liefst vijf bladzijden lang artikel uitgedrukt.

Ik heb er voor ons dan maar het meest relevante stukje uitgehaald :p...


"The next day, our instructor was Sylvie Peeters, a 22-year-old Belgian language student who was contemplating art school. Our project was to make a stop-action animated film—our own Fantastic Mr. Fox. Oddly, a few days earlier, I had been to my daughter's middle school to observe classes during an open house. One was computer animation, and I became annoyed as she sat at a desk and repeatedly clicked on a mouse to make a little film. Painting class had been full, so here she was spending even more time on the computer. I worried than our film would be an equally silly exercise.

On the floor was a large piece of black paper, and over it a camera was mounted on a tripod. The three of us then got on the floor and covered the paper with flour. The idea was that we would push around the flour with our fingers and make dozens of little "drawings" that when seen together—as in a flip book—would produce action. Already this was more tactile and fun than my daughter's sterile class (although I could see the disadvantages to having 30 middle-schoolers covering a room with flour).

We divided the paper into three sections, so each of us could pursue our directorial ambitions. I planned to make an animation of a cat grooming itself and wagging its tail. But like so many auteurs constrained by time and budget, my final film consisted of the head of a cat that extended its tongue. Surrealism flourished in prewar Prague, and when Sylvie stuck our finished film in the computer for its premiere, I thought our triptych was an appropriate hommage."

niet slecht he.

En dit is het volledige artikel.

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